Friday, May 31, 2019

Daim: Negara lebih penting daripada agama. ASTAGFIRULLAH HAL AZIM !!! BIAR BETUL !!!


Daim has cross the line!

It is unthinkable for a Muslim to denegrate his own religion.

To say that a country is more important than Islam is outrageous.

Which part of Islam that hinder Muslim to be good citizens of Malaysia?

Which part of Islam that hinder Muslim from having a harmonious relationship with non-Muslims?

He should blame the leadership of the country for unable to get the majority of Muslims to be with them.

Weak leadership. Period.

Daim and his friends in PH should be ashamed of themselves for trying to conceal their weak leadership by blaming on the Muslims for prioritising Islam over anything else.

All religions demand their followers to be good with fellow human beings.

All religions demand their followers to work together with fellow human beings to live peacefully together.

So what is wrong to see Islam above Malaysia?

The concept of a nation is not strange to Muslims. Look at the history of Islam.

Kepimpinan sendiri lemah, nak salah orang pulak!!!

Masih nak menipu!!! Nang pembulak !!!

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