Monday, May 20, 2019

Karim dedah rakyat Asajaya 'usir' PH dari DUN Asajaya

Pendedahan Karim Hamzah mengenai penolakkan rakyat DUN Asajaya terhadap PH tidak mengejutkan.

Bahkan ia sesuatu yang dijangkakan kerana rakyat Serawak, amnya, dah lejuk dibulak PH.

Sebelum menang di Malaya, depa janji macam-macam.

Nak buat tu, nak buat nie.

Janji royalti minyak 20%, dan sebagainya.

Tetapi bila sudah menang, tanpa rasa malu, depa try to hoodwink the Sarawakians by giving flimsy excuses on why they could not deliver their promises.

Yang pelek bin ajaib, many projects kat Serawak dibatalkan atas alasan bo lui.

Tapi ada pulak duit untuk projek-projek kat Malaya?!!!

We must teach PH politicians a very good lesson in the coming state election.

So that they will not sukati jak mulak kita !!!

Are we stupid in their eyes?!!!


YB Karim says... - Meanwhile, Abdul Karim said there were reports which showed that the support of the people towards PH government, including in the state was fast dwindling.

In citing his Asajaya constituency as an example, Abdul Karim said the members of the state opposition were “chased out” by the locals when they wanted to set up a service centre there.

Bacaan selanjutnya di sini.

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