Based on PH's track record aftr the PRU14, the only thing they are good at is hammering all good things in this beautiful country.
And now they are doing the same thing to Sarawak.
For so many decades we are proud wit the unity among us.
We are friends to everybody - regardless of our political affiliation.
But it will the thing in the past if we are to allow PH to win in the coming state election.
Sad. So sad.
They are too obsessed in defeating GPS to the extent that they don't give a damn on what will happen to the rakyat.
The Malays, Chineses and Indians are at each other throat in Malaya because of PH.
Do we want the same thing to happen here?
Think ... Think ... Think ...
Semoga ALLAH swt melindungi Sarawak dari kejahatan PH. Amin.
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