Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Baik sangat ke Mahathir The Traitor? Dah bertaubat? Betul ke?

"(DAP) commended Dr Mahathir’s principled position of refusing to work with Umno, whose leaders were involved in corrupt practices and misrule,..." - Lim Guan Eng

Betul ke UMNO leaders are corrupted? But when depa jump to BERSATU/DAPembulakHarapan, secara automatik depa will be putih bersih?

Ini logik Mahathir?

Ramai bekas pemimpin UMNO yang their names no longer dalam list kompaun SPRM berkaitan kes 1MDB after they jumped to Bersatu.

When depa jump to Bersatu/DAPembulakHarapan, segala kotoran dibadan tertinggal kat somewhere?

Ini ke logik Mahathir?

And what about kekecohan on pemberian kontrak yang membabitkan one ministry.

Mahathir tak tahu? Atau pretend not to know? Tak nampak pun dia ambil tindakan to get rid of the menteri.

When DAPembulakHarapan people buat salah, depa tak salah? Hanya those di luar PH/DAPembulakHarapan jer yang salah?

Semua dalam DAPembulakHarapan suci murni?

Kenyataan yang menjijikkan sekiranya benar Mahathir The Traitor berkata demikian.

Sampai bila he wants to tipu rakyat Malaysia?

Lim Guan Eng tipu rakyat Malaysia mengenai kewangan negara, ekonomi negara, sejak DAPembulakHarapan menang Putrajaya.

Tapi Lim Guan Eng suci murni disebabkan dia dalam DAPembulakHarapan?

Oh my God!!! This logic is gross!!! 

Why can't he tell the truth? He tak nak kerjasama with UMNO coz egonya tercalar when he does that.

He tries to kill UMNO from DAY One he becomes PM.

But Allah swt Maha Berkuasa - UMNO masih wujud dan in fact semakin berpengaruh.

If nothing is done to stop the momentum, UMNO akan kembali semula sebagai parti keramat orang Melayu.

When this happens, impian Mahathir to replace UMNO with Bersatu tidak berjaya.

Mahathir is being personal in his action. He never think about the Malay unity.

He is only interested in Bersatu to replace UMNO. Period.

He doesn't care Lim Guan Eng and gang rosakkan ekonomi Malaysia.

He doesn't care Lim Guan Eng and gang perlekehkan institusi raja.

He doesn't care so many things related to the interest of the Malays.

He hanya care about BERSATU! Period.

Sudah la berlakon jadi orang tua yang lemah. Nak get simpati lagi?! 

Enough is Enough!

Mahathir The Traitor has to go as he was in cohort with DAPembulakHarapan to trample on so many things related to Malays / Bumiputera.

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