Maybe got hantu who cucuk here and there resulting in the involved parties to have an open fight.
But of course, these people will not say this openly coz if they did, sure rakyat upset.
It is rumoured to start from the road project fight, and it melarat to the extent Wong Soon Koh had to resign from the government, and sybsequently formed a new party.
Don't know how true is the rumours la. Maybe yes, maybe no.
But whether true or not, the story line similar with cerita Mahathir-and-Najib.
Because of Mahathir was not happy with Najib, he used the rakyat to do his bidding.
Of course, Mahathir managed to con the rakyat by telling them that he was the saviour.
Najib rosakkan ekonomi, curi duit, etc.
Macam-macam la yang Najib buat semua jahat-jahat belaka.
However, ALLAH swt Maha Besar dan Maha
Satu persatu ALLAH swt tunjukkan bahawa Mahathir is a liar!!!
Malaysia was never badly managed by Najib!
Until now tiada bukti yang kukuh dan tanpa meragukan yang menunjukkan Najib curi duit 1MDB.
Dan banyak lagi.
So, the point is : Wong Soon Koh is going be to be like Mahathir - he will use the rakyat to capai his personal agenda.
He is not happy with a handful of old men in GPS - and he will con us to make us to believe that he is fighting for our interest.
Walhal, it is his personal interest, in the first place!!!
Bijak! Bijak! Bijak!
Ok, now on apa motif PSB?
What makes PSB an interesting topic is because of a powerful shadow behind the party 😊.
Rumors have been circulating around since the formation of the party - about a powerful shadow behind it.
There are also rumours that this powerful shadow wants to change the state's political landscape!
And there are also rumours that this powerful shadow is unhappy with the current leadership in GPS, especially in PBB.
These rumours are interesting because they perfectly suit the shadow's character.
It was his style to use other people to weaken his enemies.
He rarely dirtied his hands!!!
So, is it possible that this powerful shadow is using PSB to cleanse GPS, in particular PBB?
If he were to take cues from Mahathir's mistakes, it is very unlikely he wanted to replace GPS with PSB.
Because PBB suporters or voters are not lalang just like PKR.
The party is bigger than any leader !!!
So, who in GPS or PBB are going to take the bait to jump to PSB?
Many names of PBB Malay-Melanau have been circulated around as the possible kataks.
However, we will need to wait wheter these kataks would jump.
Hopefully the PBB leadership would get rid of these katak species before they can jump and cause problem to the party.
You know la ... even an old man Mahathir terlondeh kainnya coz of the katak-katak in HIS party.
Anwar also da pengalaman yang sama, recently.
Maybe the powerful shadow doesn't want PBB to alami peristiwa yang sama?
Wait yer ... Sama la kita nunggu episod seterusnya 😊.
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