Thursday, May 30, 2019

Ingatkan hanya seorang sahaja yang 'nyanyuk' tetapi rupa-rupanya 2 orang! Welcome to the club, LKS!

It is very obvious that LKS has hit the wall.

He just couldn't figure out a good exit strategy for the debate with Najib.

Now he is a laughing stock in the eyes of the rakyat!

Maybe his role is to entertain rakyat with his antics.

In short, he is the PH clown.

He is YB Chong's boss 😂😂😂.

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SOALAN CEPU EMAS : Mengapa mainstream media tak berani tanya (atau buat follow-up) Mahathir mengenai dakwaan Najib tentang kekayaan Mahathir dan anak-anaknya?

SOALAN CEPU EMAS : Mengapa mainstream media tak berani tanya (atau buat follow-up) Mahathir mengenai dakwaan Najib tentang kekayaan Mahat...