Parti Kian Rebah mempunyai sejarah yang penuh dengan keganasan - sejak sebelum penubuhan sehingga kini.
Tajuk-tajuk berita yang menggambarkan keganasan ahli-ahli Parti Kian Rebah tidak pernah mengejutkan.
They traded blows kat kongres parti?
So what?
They are Parti Kian Rebah members!
What do you expect from them?
To behave like an angel?
You must be dreaming?!
We are talking about Parti Kian Rebah dan its members (including penyokong)!!!
If we disagree with them, they will balun us like hell!!!
If you disagree, cuba look around - berapa ramai ahli-ahli dan penyokong-penyokong Parti Kian Rebah yang tak agresif wen mempertahankan parti ataupun Pembulak Harapan???
Almost none - you agree??? Hahaha ... That is the reality under the so-called Malaysia Baru.
Very scary to ordinary people who are more interested in their daily life than politics.
So, when you support DAP / AMANAH / PPBM, it also means you support PKR (and its aggressiveness in beating political opponents) coz these three parties are components of Pembulak Harapan.
When you support one, it means you support all. Period.
Since they are in the same group (coalition), it is just a matter of time for the other coalition members to be inflicted by this Parti Kian Rebah virus.
It is very scary!!!
Sarawak will be governed by a bunch of people who would not hesitate to use their fists to defend their views if Parti Kian Rubuh / Pembulak Harapan menang in the coming state election.
Some of then already show this aggressive behaviour inside the Sarawak DUN.
Koyak buku / dokumen in the DUN as a sign of protest!!! Hempas buku dalam DUN, dan sebagainya. And many more. Please google. You will find a lot of news on Pembulak Harapan’s aggressiveness.
If you are willing to be in the situation whereas the (Pembulak Harapan) government officials will punch you when you disagree wit them, then you can give your votes to Pembulak Harapan in the coming state election.
And if you are not willing to be in such situation, then you must play your role to get rid of the Parti Kian Rebah virus which has inflicted Pembulak Harapan.
Tiada ubat dapat sembuhkan virus Parti Kian Rebah kecuali we singkirkan Parti Kian Rebah dan Pembulak Harapan dari bumi Sarawak!!!
If we gagal, then Sarawak akan kacau bilau macam di Malaya!!!
You want your anak-anak to hidup dalam situasi begini?
Ayoh!!! Tolak Pembulak Harapan sebelum terlambat!!!
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