Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Ting, we are bloody insane if we were to vote DAPembulakHarapan in the state election!!!

DAPembulakHarapan is pulling the whole country to the direction that we are scared of.

Our economy is falling apart! Read here.

Our race relations is in the mess! Read here.

Our national assets are now in the hand of foreigners! Read here.

Communism and LTTE are showing their ugly faces! Read here and here.

We have suspected drug addicts, rapist, sodomites (including semburit), fake certificates, and foremostly, liars!

Minda Rakyat
We have tonnes of liars in DAPembulakHarapan! This is currently the boss. Of course, there is another boss but he is currently PM Tepi.

How could State DAPembulakHarapan will make Sarawak a better state than under GPS, when they are part of the problems that have been harassing the country since the first day after the general election?

Does Ting believe that LGE will let the State DAPembulakHarapan to have a free hand in administering Sarawak? Read here.

😂😂😂 Ting and his boss can keep on dreaming.

LGE and DAPembulakHarapan have been churning out lies and lies and lies to the extent that all DAPembulakHarapan YBs, including Ting, are having the smell of hancing now.

Only DAPembulakHarapan supporters like the smell - but not the rakyat at large!!!

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